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  • Gabriel Edmunds

Enterprise Story Writing Process

My writing process for my final enterprise story has been similar to how I write most of my other stories, but a little more in-depth.

I have researched my topic quite thoroughly. More so than I usually would when writing other types of stories. This is because I am not writing regular news per se. I am trying to find my own news, while still trying to keep the topic interesting enough that an audience would enjoy reading it.

I have also been reaching out to more people than any other story I have written thus far. I have attempted to reach out to many companies, organizations, and political officials in order to get as much information as I can for this story. However, either due to lack of respect or because of personal issues due to the pandemic and stay at home orders, I have been ghosted by most of the people I have attempted to contact.

I am still awaiting some emails from some local Appalachian Mountain Region environment groups and Mayor Jenny Brock of Johnson City who all have taken interest in being a part of my enterprise story.

However, I have not started writing any of this story yet, due to the fact I have not received any useful information yet. I know, I am really starting to push the deadline now, but I plan to really bug my sources to email me as soon as possible.

My writing plan for the enterprise story, however, is probably going to be pretty typical of my normal writing style and process. I plan to organize my thoughts and the story in a way that is easily understandable and enjoyable before I even begin writing. This helps me to never lose sight of my end goal in writing any story.

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